The Tale of 'Cuoi' 2020
The Tale of Cuoi is an animation initiative birthed by the creation of original characters inspired by but never limited by Vietnamese folklores & cultures. Our mission is to always champion the fresh new ways of telling stories that entertain and warm the hearts & minds of audiences, and especially Vietnamese audiences, reminding them to never be bored by their own artistic treasures, urging them to always find joy & pride in fantastic escapism.
Our initiative is so far forged by an alliance of filmmakers, storytellers, artists, musicians, technologists, crafters, designers & creatives to collaborate in the animation medium, bound by the common love for all that could be in the ‘Cuoi’ universe. We assemble when there is a good story that needs to be told in a way if we stand apart we can never do. And we intend to keep it that way.
The past has brought us here. The future, to a place certainly imaginable.
Mob-Ex Award 2021 Silver Best Original Content
MMA Smarties APAC 2021 Gold Winner
Story & Direction by: Le Huy Anh
Produced by: Children Of x LuciDigital x Mopix