Co-Authoring A Brand, A Decade-Nearing Relationship
To foster a brand, you have to grow with it. Develop it. Create it. Collaborate with it. Deal with it. Work with it. Wake with it. Sleep with it. Push it. Bear with it. Fail with it. Succeed with it. And may you stay with it.
That's a relationship worth treasuring, one I was fortunate enough to forge with Vinasoy - Vietnam's leading soy milk brand. Starting with a never-simple job of fully rebranding a corporate's identity - juggling between the CEO and the marketing director - the task became bigger and bigger: developing a product, creating a new communication campaign that was supposed to last for many years, launching the campaign, another one, and more another ones. Gigantic, big, not so, small, tiny, trivia... A brand like Vinasoy offers all. As I offered up some of my better works, I was able to grow the brand too.
Along the long and event-filled way, I have learned, grown, and experienced. As an advertiser, and a human.